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Some projects in what I have worked


SnappyLine is an app that allow users to buy USA virtual phone numbers, chat and call to others cellphones as if you were present in usa. Can compare with WhatsApp and Skype.


App for ios that allows users to take pictures and then be uploaded to a server where professional editors can make them look great and then the user can download them edited.

Uniks(IOS) Click on icon to see at Apple App Store

Uniks app is a social network that interconnects users worldwide with a psychological overcoming function that includes the thoughts of others about a person, a place, a group, an organization or a celebrity.


Unloathe is an application with a commercial purpose that provides an online shopping service with delivery to any part of Florida, USA. Thus providing the facility to a person to order a product from the Unloathe application and receiving it wherever it is.


Dermaglos is an application for an Argentine company that offers products for pregnant mothers, this application is able to help parents to arrive at the week of pregnancy where the mother is, thus making the process easier, friendly and more instructive.

AbcSignup(IOS) Click on icon to see at Apple App Store

AbcSigup is an app that allow an event manager to handle the process of checking guest invitations to a particular event, this app implements a QR code reader.

Fit 30( IOS, Ipad) Click on icon to see at Apple App Store

Fit 30 is an app for exercises, an user have access to a 30 day rutine of exercises with a video to guide the user in the entire process.

Peper(IOS) Click on icon to see at Apple App Store

Peper is an app designed for users of Banorte Bank. It connects to the users of this bank, through a chat in which they can make transfers of money from their account to the of a contact via chat. Also this app has the customization of the user account with photos, states and personal information and has high security standards.

ArcoMaster(IOS, WatchOS)

ArcoMaster is an app directed to musicians performing Violin, Viola, Violoncello and Bass. This app is capable of capturing the bow movements of the musician's instrument through the Apple Watch (IWATCH) and compare them with the movement patterns of each exercise that is reproduced within the app with a metronome included, in order to calculate a score according to the successful movements by the musician. It is also able to compare scores between facebook friends and can user to customize their account.

Goonder(IOS) Click on icon to see at Apple App Store

Goonder is an app oriented to finances. This application is able to give advice and present investment opportunities in different companies worldwide based on each user profile.


Bella is an App oriented to female users. This application is able to test products of makeup to photos through facial recognition and also allows to buy the product (s) of the user's preference.


ShippingQuest is an app made to a company that calculates shipping costs by sea. The application is able to calculate the cost of sending a customized package by the user and if the same is in accordance with it may be able to make the shipment immediately.

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